Indian Nuberg EPC secures contract from SCE Chemicals

Indian Nuberg EPC secures contract from SCE Chemicals


Indian firm Nuberg EPC is set to construct a chlor-alkali production plant for SCE Chemicals (Société chérifienne d’engrais-chimie). The agreement for the construction of the plant in Jorf Lasfar was finalized in Casablanca, as announced by Nuberg EPC. The contract was signed by AK Tyagi, CEO of Nuberg, and Moutawakkil Abdelkebir, CEO of SCE Chemicals. The plant will produce caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, and sodium hypochlorite. Completion is expected by the end of 2020.

SCE Chemicals specializes in manufacturing chemical products, fertilizers, and other chemical inputs for industrial clients in Morocco and abroad. Nuberg EPC brings over 20 years of experience in executing alkali processing plants, with industrial units constructed in Egypt, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Bangladesh.